Ko Kakepuku tōku Maunga,
Ko Puniu tōku Awa,
Ko Mangatoatoa tōku Marae,
Ko Ngati Pare te kawa tōku Hapu,
Ko Maniapoto tōku Iwi,
Ko Matt Iorangi tōku Ingoa
I am the Group Manager – Capability for Northpower
I have been in the Electricity supply industry for 26 years starting as an Apprentice Line mechanic and various other roles maintaining Electricity Supply networks across New Zealand
As a Māori/Pasifika Apprentice I often struggled with the learning styles applied to teach me what I needed to know, I also struggled with career direction and development
My greatest passion is to Develop and Grow our people by providing, structured career & leadership pathways and partnering with key stakeholders to build our future work force
‘He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata’
Our greatest asset is ‘People’, by strengthening our people we create solid foundations to build upon.