Poster Presentations

Poster template Portrait download here

Poster template Landscape download here

Poster (Optional  to the Compulsory,  2nd Dec Technical Paper Presentation)

For EGrid 2022, all accepted papers to be presented during In a Poster Session, the illustrations are mounted on a poster board which is then mounted on an easel. The illustrations may consist of equations, graphs, photographs, and short text bullets.

The Poster Session papers are not presented sequentially as in Paper or Panel Sessions or in Directed Educational Programs. Rather, all papers in a poster session are presented simultaneously with each author standing or sitting next to a poster. The author should be prepared to give a short presentation and answer questions from those attending. The audience does not stay in one place, but is expected to walk from one poster to another, listen to the presentation by the author, and talk to the authors about their work. Discussion is therefore one-on-one with the interested party rather than directed toward a general audience.

Prior to the Poster Session

Illustrations should be made for ease of viewing by persons who will typically stand or sit about two meters (six feet) from the display. (For information on how to prepare good illustrations, refer to Guidelines for Preparing Visuals for PES Presentations.) The illustrations will be arranged and secured to a poster board by the author at the meeting. The poster board to be provided for eGrid 2022 will appear as shown below . Authors must fit all of their poster material in the space allotted.

During the Poster Session

Much of the session will consist of a one-on-one discussion between the author and persons who have an interest in the topic.

Recognizing that many attendees will plan their schedule around the published session times, authors are required to be in the session room at their poster location for the entire session, except for minimal absence for short breaks.

There are three potential opportunities in the program where all attendees will be mingling along with posters. This is following opening 16:00 to 18:00 on 29 November18:15-19:30, 30 November 2022. during the Welcome Drinks and Poster Session and also 16:30 to 18:30 on 1st December, during the Networking session before the Workshop Banquet



Best poster award has been arranged and assessment will be carried out during the poster session by a judging pool from the industry professsional visiting international experts attending the conference.

ISGT Poster Board_Linda_2