Matt Iorangi

Ko Tainui tōku waka,

Ko Kakepuku tōku Maunga,

Ko Puniu tōku Awa,

Ko Mangatoatoa tōku Marae,

Ko Ngati Pare te kawa tōku Hapu,

Ko Maniapoto tōku Iwi,

Ko Matt Iorangi tōku Ingoa

I am the Group Manager – Capability for Northpower

I have been in the Electricity supply industry for 26 years starting as an Apprentice Line mechanic and various other roles maintaining Electricity Supply networks across New Zealand

As a Māori/Pasifika Apprentice I often struggled with the learning styles applied to teach me what I needed to know, I also struggled with career direction and development

My greatest passion is to Develop and Grow our people by providing, structured career & leadership pathways and partnering with key stakeholders to build our future work force


‘He aha te mea nui o te ao?

He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata’


Our greatest asset is ‘People’, by strengthening our people we create solid foundations to build upon.