Tobias Massier received his Diploma (M.Sc.) and Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D.) degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2002 and 2010 respectively.
From 2010 to 2012, he served as programme manager at TUM setting up and managing a new international Master Programme in Power Engineering.
Since 2013, he has been working as a principal scientist and head of the Energy and Power Systems Group at TUMCREATE Ltd., Singapore.
He has been involved in numerous research and industry projects dealing with
– recommendations for governmental agencies on electrifying Singapore’s road transport system,
– concepts for operating single and networked micro-grids with high share of intermittent sources of energy and flexible loads,
– exploring and utilising Singapore’s geothermal potential.
Since October 2022, he is also serving as the coordinator of a new TUMCREATE project on Singapore’s pathway to carbon neutrality which deals with providing solutions for Singapore’s future low-carbon energy supply.
His research interests include integration of electric vehicles and renewable energies into the grid, future energy supply options, energy systems and energy system modelling, and life cycle assessment.